Monday, September 27, 2010

Introducing.... baby puppy Baxter!!

I have been the proud owner of Baxter the puppy for the past 16 days. It has been an interesting experience to say the least. I feel like I am learning so much from having a puppy. Having a living breathing thing that depends on me daily. It has been a reason to get out of bed in the morning. And I mean a literal reason.. because he whines a lot if I don't get up to take him out to go potty.

Baxter reminds me of how life was meant to be lived. He lives to the full in every moment that he has. Whether he is playing tug of war with a toy I actually bought him or tearing up some sewing material, he loves playing. He loves life and he lives it to the full. It reminds me of John 10:10. We talked about it tonight at Bible Study.. and I think of how I hope that I embody that verse.. that I choose life in everything. And I can say with certainty that Baxter embodies that verse. He truly chooses life in all he does. Perhaps because he doesn't know anything different? Nonetheless, I look up to my dog.

And when I show you pictures, trust me... you will too!

 These pictures were taken the day after I got him. I took him out to the Drill Field for a photo shoot.

Can you say ADORABLE???

I really love this dog so much. He has such a funny personality. I enjoy getting to know him more a little every day.

He has a funny little potbelly. I feed him very well obviously.

He is precious. I think everyone should meet him and I think he thinks the same thing. He really gets upset when people don't stop and pet him when we are on a walk.

Sweet puppy.. who he going to teach me all about living life the way it was meant to be lived. But one moment at a time. 
The Lord has truly given me this time to rest and learn what it means to sacrificially love.. and pour myself into things. Even though this year looks nothing like I thought it would be.. I am so grateful to have it. To learn about this "rest of faith" we are taking about in Bible Study. I want to learn what it means to live life abudantly and also learn about this wonderful rest of the Sabbath.

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