Saturday, October 8, 2011

This Saturday night I should be studying anatomy.. because I have a test on Tuesday over 5 chapters of material. And it's probably going to be hard. Instead... I ate dinner with a friend, played on facebook, and stumbleupon. And now I'm blogging. 

Because I haven't blogged in months. I always come up with great things that I should blog about. Case in point: 

1. Trip to Disney World
2. One year anniversary with the boyfriend
3. Taking classes at MSU
4. Work - there are always funny things happening up there
5. Life, in general 

Somehow, blogging gets put on the back burner. Generally to my homework. Because that's due at a certain time. Butttttt, since I'm already procrastinating this studying thing, I may as well blog for a while. 

So, I went to Disney World back in June with Laura Kathryn, Stephen and Cole. SO SO SO much fun. We had such a blast... from the car ride with random music, to seeing my family in Mobile, to riding all the rides we could think of and seeing tons of great fireworks. It was an incredible trip. What a way to celebrate being finished studying for/ taking the MCAT. It was such a blessing of a vacation. 

Cole and I celebrated one year of dating.. that was fun. We both did our favorite things that day. He golfed and I layed out! Then we had a fun dinner date at The Grill.. yummyyyy. He has since gone back to school, worked A TON, been a great Kappa Sig president, and is, at the present time, in Belize on vacation. But no worries, I'm not jealous or anything. Because, you know, I don't really like sun, or beaches, or exploring, or crystal blue water.... but if I liked any of those things, I might be jealous. 

I am taking some classes at MSU this fall. 3 to be exact. Human Anatomy, Sociology and Nutrition. It appears as if God is possibly closing the door to medical school.. I'm not sure yet. Still praying hard about it and listening for His voice. But these classes will give me the ability to apply to Physician Assistant school and Accelerated Nursing School... both which seem very appealing to me right now. 

Work has been very busy lately.. but I so enjoy the girls I work with. I'm pretty sure collectively we all gain about 5 lbs a week.. because we have little self control and love junk food! Just Friday, we went to McDonald's twice... because we are going to win Monopoly and $1,000,000.. y'all just watch out. It's going to be ours. Because even one million dollars split 5 ways is a lot of money! 

Life in general includes me and Baxter... who is getting bigger by the day. He spends two days a week at his friend Cosmo's house for "daycare". And he loves it! He has so much fun over there... he practically bounces up and down when I tell him we are going over there. It's been such a blessing to be able to take him over there on those days, because I stay at work all day (no lunch break) so I can go to class in the afternoon. 

I think that might be all the big stuff... all the catch up stuff anyway. I'm going to post some pictures below from the last couple months.. 

fun at disney! Cole is veryyyy proud of that braid across my forehead. 

What a cute Viking boy. 

Sweet Stephy!! So glad I ran into her.. and got to hang out with her. 

my sweet trio of disney friends... thanks for putting up with me, guys!

he is a disney trooper with me in tow. 

ahhh!! that's cinderella's house! she lives there. she is super cool. 

fun day. 

precious college freshman. all grown up. 


yes, I'm well aware that I look like a five year old. 

he's funny to have around. ... funny looking....

sweet Suzanne.. what a fun toy story ride with you!

my sweet, sweet 7th graders. I can't believe they have graduated from Faith Factory!

hello boyfriend. happy one year. 

fun out at the country club. with the bros. 

Sunday lunch at Grandmother's house. my precious girls. 

Taylor Swift concert!!

Needtobreathe opened for them!!

Look! There's Taylor.. playing the piano.. "back to december"

so.. it's been a pretty eventful couple months. I'll try not to go so long between posts. I think Chelsea and Cole were about to usurp me from blogger and take over for me. Maybe they'll let me hang around now..... 



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