Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God

There are so many things I feel I should blog about.. my trip to disney.. my adorable puppy and how fat he is (muscle, I tell you, all muscle).. how I've been sick and had to miss work (something I NEVER do).. yet I feel a sense to put all that on the backburner.

Sunday, at Sunday School, we sang a song called "Seek ye first".. and the words resonated in my heart. It became ever so clear to me what we, as Christians, are called to do. Yes, we are called to love, to serve, to be examples of the Lord.. yet I feel like so often we DO so much that we forget to seek Him. We forget to seek HIM first.. and above all else.

How often do I go to bed at night, prayers on my lips and heart and yet, not fully formed because my body is so exhausted? I might offer breath prayers as I go throughout  my day but I should be diligent about spending time in conversation with the Lord.

My day should be focused on seeking His kingdom.. truly seeking Him.. more than I seek to build my friendship with anyone else... more than I should be focused on doing well at work..
more than I should be focused on running in the mornings..

The Lord should truly be my number one focus. I should seek Him above all else. Which is exactly what my 12 year olds were taught Sunday morning and I realized how I needed to be taught that all over again, even as a 22 year old college graduate.

above all else..
my purpose remains..
the art of losing myself
in bringing You praise..

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