Tuesday, November 16, 2010

THE interview

I'm sitting here in Madison at my sweet "madison family's" house.. in my new pajamas which are oh so soft (it's a nightgown.. pretty sure I haven't worn a nightgown since I was 5..) .. contemplating the rest of my day. You see, I know exactly what my day holds. I've done this before.. I can pretty much walk through it minute by minute of what it's going to bring.

Today. I interview for medical school. AGAIN. And this time, I'm praying what everything within me that they let me in. Yet as I sit here, perhaps I am just filled with a peace that comes from the Lord or I haven't fully grasped what I am about to encounter. I have run, showered, eaten breakfast and yet am not nervous at all. A little sleepy perhaps.. hence putting the pajamas back on. Nervous? no. Anxious? not yet. I prayed as I ran this morning and I prayed that today I would show the admissions committee the way that God has ordained every step of my life to bring specifically to this place. I prayed that they would see my passion, determination, and yet above that, that they would see my life being laid before the Father the only way that I know how to lay it. 

I seek medical school with my whole heart because it is where God has led me.. it is the longing and the passion He has put inside me 11 years ago... half my life I have wanted this... now I just pray that I truly get the opportunity to let His light shine. 
Because more than anything, I want to bring Him glory. 

And if medical school was part of that glory plan.. well then heck! Bring. It. On. 


  1. I know you have already interviewed (almost a month ago) but I want to wish you the best of luck nonetheless. God works in mysterious ways that we don't always comprehend and no matter the outcome he has set you on a path in his light. Never forget that!

  2. I just checked in for the first time in a while. I hope you've heard wonderful news by now. God's timing is the best. Please send me your address.
