It's been quite a while since I have sat down to blog. And it's not for lack of things to share.. my life has been super busy the last month, especially.
And so, I'm going to try to eventually catch up on blogging. My last blog I wanted to talk about Lent.. I absolutely adore Lent. Perhaps that's because in high school we had a Lent prayer breakfast where our youth group would read a book and meet early early Thursday mornings to talk about what the Lord was teaching us through it. I loved doing that. I enjoyed being in community with others and I really loved the weeks when we had french toast casserole for breakfast.
With that being said... it has obviously been a while since I was in high school. Lent is quite different now. I remember it as a time to draw closer to the Lord.. this year I gave up coca-cola and spent time every night intentionally praying and journaling.
And honestly? It was a hard 40 days.. a lot of things happened that made me want a coke so bad. That time each night that I would spend with the Lord though.. I remembered that THAT is what Lent is about... that's what God is about.. He is all about a relationship with us. He so longs to know us on an intimate level.. I know He is God and all and created us. I just think He also wants us to long to know Him.. for us to tell Him about our day and our heart.
I learned a lot more about that this Lenten season..
I have many more things to post about but those will just have to wait for now!