My 48 hours of spring break.. as I liked to call the weekend.
I've wanted to post on my blog since maybe Monday night? I even started a post but never had time to finish it because I've been MCAT studying every night this week. I would go to work for about 9 hours.. come home and just lay on my bed out of sheer exhaustion, then get up, eat dinner and study for an hour or two. I even titled my post "MCAT studying sucks".
I just hope all this studying is going to pay off. I guess we'll see.. less than 3 months from now I take it again. I've gone all the way through the General Chemistry lectures and started on Physics lectures about a week ago. And then each day I've been reading a Verbal Reasoning passage. Those last two sentences don't really matter to any of you though do they? Hah. Just a quick recap of the studying... to prove I'm actually doing something!!
I realized it had been a while since I posted pictures so I wanted to do that too. A little over a month ago I had the privilege of staffing The Journey where I worked closely with two girls all weekend and we just bonded. The tripod.. as we called ourselves.
Please excuse the fact that I look terrible. I hadn't showered in a looonngggg time.. something I'm generally not into but during The Journey no one really showers.
Anyway.. fantastic weekend. I love these precious girls. It really was amazing how close the Lord brought us in a matter of hours and the way that our friendship grew over the weekend. I feel very blessed to know them.
Another fun thing I've done recently was attend Kappa Sigma Founders Day at Delta State with the ole boyfriend.. who just happens to be Kappa Sig president. We had such a fun time at dinner.. Cole even gave a speech and I was able to meet all his friends, which I really enjoyed. We realized no one had taken our picture that night so we used the self timer and photographed ourselves!! Here are a few shots:
This is after dinner.. which like I said was very yummy and fun!
This is after we got back from the party.. he said why don't you jump and let's take a picture. And I said okay! :)
And this is a picture of the award that Cole got at dinner.. Let me help you out with the caption:
The Most Wanted man on Campus
In recognition of Cole Andrews
Being voted Mr. DSU
Number One, Second to None
Founders Day 2011
Did I mention my boyfriend is Mr. DSU? I'm superrrr proud! It's okay to be jealous.. I mean, I would understand. He's probably a little embarrassed that all that is now out on the internet for anyone to find. But hey, when you're in the spotlight.. you're in the spotlight.
Something else that has happened recently is I turned 23... yeppp.. the big 2-3. It doesn't really feel any different? I'm not sure that it was supposed to. It was a great birthday though.. full of a little work.. great time with the boyfriend.. time spent outdoors and a fun birthday dinner. The day before my roommates and friends and I had a party at my apt with strawberry cupcakes. It was fun.. even Baxter loved it. But he didn't get a cupcake!
This is the only picture I have from my actual birthday.. Laura Kathryn took pictures at the birthday party but I have yet to see those.
I just adore him. :)
I think those are all the big things. I want to blog about Lent a bit.. but that's for another time!