Tuesday, April 24, 2012


This week I have been trying to remember how important it is to spend time in the Word. Not just reading a few verses or praying throughout the day. I do both those things.. and generally feel close to the Lord. But I realized that I haven't been digging into the Word. I haven't been asking him to stretch me or teach me. And I haven't been depending on Him as much as I would like to on a day-to-day basis. This is part of my journal from last night... I wanted to share it.

"And thankfully, I serve a Lord who is full of forgiveness and He welcomes me back with open arms. I just want to constantly fix my thoughts and eyes on Him. Does this make Him smile? Because I want it to. Truly I do. So I'm going to be more diligent with my time, my affection, my thoughts and where my eyes are looking. Hopefully always toward my Jesus."

That's my prayer today. That my eyes would be fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith. (Hebrews 12:1)

this is the Catholic church by my apt. I walked by the other day at lunch while on a walk with Bax and just marveled at how pretty it is. And I was reminded of a quote that I read one time that will come back into my mind when I need it most. 
"the ground at the foot of the cross is level" 

.. we are all on equal footing before the Creator. How precious is He and His great love for us. 

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